Three Ways to Future-Proof Your Business

Thriving through difficult, uncertain times means re-examining disrupted assumptions. As they say, “What got you here won’t get you there.” And it means getting back to the basics. You don’t have the time, resources or luxury of focusing on frills, “nice-to-haves,” or “we’ve always done it that way.” The question is, What is indispensable? What will prepare me for business conditions I can’t yet predict?

We at Tecture as business technology experts recommend you look at the following three areas to make your business more robust and agile in these challenging times.

Upgrade Your Ecommerce

How does the money flow into your business? The mechanics of how you actually sell to and get paid by your customers (and accounting for these payments) is one of your company’s most vital connection points. In today’s economy this means especially your online commerce. As more and more commerce moves online, inattention here can cost you dearly.  A few adjustments can reap rich rewards.

  • Are you struggling to wrangle disparate, disjointed payment mechanisms?
  • Do your ecommerce and financial systems hinder you from quick pivots and offering turn-on-a-dime promotions
  • Does your ecommerce system make your customers shuffle paper, re-enter credit card information or track down old statements? What are the friction points your customers encounter?
  • Are you fielding complaints from frustrated customers bogged down in the online checkout process?
  • Is your ecommerce system finicky connecting to your CRM, accounting and other systems?
  • Is your online presence missing parts of your full catalog of products and services?

Whether your ecommerce requires a focused tune-up or a complete overhaul, Tecture can help you implement seamless, secure contextual ecommerce solutions that make it easy for customers to pay you. We can help you set your ecommerce in order, eliminating hidden costs, saving you money and protecting your revenue streams.

Contact us today to upgrade your ecommerce


Integrate Your Business Systems

Your staff may collaborate well — but do your business systems? Are your business applications isolated, separate islands — requiring manual, staff intervention to connect the dots? That costs you time, energy and money every single day that you cannot afford.

  • Are you frustrated by copying and pasting information from one system to another?
  • Do you rely on an employee to provide the point of connection between two systems?
  • Are all your systems accessible online, from anywhere, at any time?
  • Are you risking relying on an individual or your IT department to nurse an aging legacy system?
  • Are you ready to be done with the hacks, work-arounds and baling wire needed to make all your systems work together?

Get your business fully connected. Tecture is an experienced systems integrator. We utilize modern API (Application Programming Interface) technologies to connect your systems for touchless collaboration at an affordable cost.

Contact us today to integrate your business systems


Automate Internal Operations

Little inefficiencies might be tolerable in fat times. But they cost you dearly in these tough times. Small friction points can make the difference between make and break. How does your business carry on it’s day-to-day tasks? Get microscopic. Where do the little gaps, friction points,  frayed edges and irritations leak energy, focus and dollars?

  • As remote work becomes common, even the norm, are all your systems fully supporting remote operations? What can’t you do from home you could do in the office?
  • What repetitive, manual processes need to be automated? (Copy and paste much?)
  • Follow the paper. Where is information still transmitted by paper?
  • Are you holding onto outdated, inefficient legacy systems it’s time to replace?
  • Where are your single points of failure? What happens to your business when that failure occurs?
  • Are you over-relying on spreadsheets to conduct your business. Spreadsheets are not a substitute for proper reporting.In fact, they can be productivity killers!
  • Are you over-relying on Slack, Zoom or Microsoft Teams to drive your business operations? Are they killing your staff’s productivity?
  • Where is your technology working against you?
  • Is exchanging data with other parties a pain in the neck? Are you relying on email or a spreadsheet?

The right small investments in technology can plug your productivity leaks and position you to take advantage of new opportunities. Tecture is here to lend a hand now and position you for the future.

Contact us today to automate your internal operations